Qigong on the Go, no. 8 – Seven Animals Qigong Class

The Journey of Seven Animals Qigong

Since the beginning of October, I have run both interactive online qigong classes and solo meditative livestreams. From this experience, I have arrived at a new Qigong class format for both running regular online classes and for creating recordings. The emphasis will be on flowing through a series of movements and meditations that are relatively easy to “learn as you go,” rather than taking on more complicated forms or being concerned with learning complete sets.

The New Format

Students familiar with my work will be invited to participate live (over Google Meet) and engage in discussion at the beginning and end of each class (60 minute session). In the central and main portion of the class, I will draw from the various qigong forms I know (Seven Animal Frolics, Opening the Breath, Eight Pieces of Brocade, etc.) and create a flow that zeroes in on concerns, interests, or questions that came up during initial discussion. For example, in our last class, one participant was struggling with a lung issue and tiredness. I created a flow beginning with three of the Eight Pieces, a wonderful set for waking up and stretching the body. We then did four Crane standing pieces and one of the walking meditations. Crane is excellent for lungs and creates a serene and nourishing calm. We finished by performing almost the entirety of Bear animal frolic, a great set for kidneys and rejuvenation.

I will edit the class recording each week into approximately a 45-minute video to be posted on YouTube (comprising mostly the central class flow and perhaps some Q&A engagement — please note: I will use only audio or a transcript of participant’s questions or comments, and if you ever want your voice or comments NOT to be used, simply let me know).

I feel very good about this format. It seems to be a natural outpouring from my qigong practice and my engagement with students in a class setting. It will provide a weekly recording and resource for those interested in qigong for years to come. 

Two Classes in December

Please join me for two upcoming free qigong sessions. And stay tuned for recordings posted to YouTube.

Wednesday, December 18
9 – 10am
On Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/rnk-ncmj-jup

Monday, December 30
9 – 10am
On Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/qhr-fnza-szn

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