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Past Newsletters

  • 7-Minute Morning Meditation

    Qigong on the Go – Vol. 2, No. 1 I’ve created an audio track (MP3) which serves as my time keeper every morning for a seven minute meditation. Write to me and I’ll send you the track as a free gift. There’s a pleasant sweeping musical sound that marks every one of the seven minutes…

  • Qigong on the Go, no. 8 – Seven Animals Qigong Class

    The Journey of Seven Animals Qigong Since the beginning of October, I have run both interactive online qigong classes and solo meditative livestreams. From this experience, I have arrived at a new Qigong class format for both running regular online classes and for creating recordings. The emphasis will be on flowing through a series of movements and…

  • Qigong on the Go, no. 7 – Class Today 11am & One-on-One’s in December

    Last Group Class for the Year I’ll run one more group class for the year on Google Meet today at 11am EST. Please join me. I’ll draw from the Animal Frolics of Crane, Monkey, and Bear. Click here to join. For December qigong schedule, keep reading. Print Version of MONKEY has Arrived! Woot! Woot! It’s…