Sessions & Courses

Private Qigong Sessions

I offer private sessions helping individuals overcome physical and energetic challenges. I use qigong forms and intuitive readings (cards and/or I Ching i.e. “The Book of Changes”) to help individuals move through blockages into their next stage of being.

email me to set up a session.

Rate: $75 per 75 minute session

Group Qigong Sessions


Seven Animals Qigong

This is a weekly online session beginning late August. I will teach forms from the seven animals of qigong that I practice (Monkey, Deer, Snake, Tiger, Bear, Crane. and Dragonfly).

Stay tuned for more info . . .


I am researching places near my home to offer a weekly qigong group class.

Stay tuned for more info . . .


Stay tuned for qigong courses such as the Seven Animals (Monkey, Deer, Snake, Tiger, Bear, Crane, and Dragonfly), Eight Pieces of Brocade, Opening the Breath, Bedrock Hands Standing Set, and Three Warmups.

Stay tuned for more info . . .