Qigong on the Go, no. 2 – Free eBook out this week!

October 13, 2024

Qigong Studio Week 1 Wrap-Up

(Please note: I’ve renamed “Online Dojo” to the more fitting, “Qigong Studio”.)

Week one was very interesting! On Monday Morning, I introduced Monkey Animal Frolic. For Tea on Tuesday, I had a cup of Gunpowder Green while I demonstrated Crane Animal Frolic. And on Standing Meditation Friday, I introduced a basic standing meditation set and discussed Tiger energy. It turns out the bright energy of Tiger is just like the ultra-present energy found in zazen, the practice of sitting meditation from Zen Buddhism. The seven animals continue to show up in all kinds of energetically creative ways.

I look forward to continuing to offer these online classes three times a week in October: Monday 8:30am, Tuesday 5:30pm, and Friday 11am. Visit Qigong Studio for more info.

Free eBook coming out Oct. 15th!

7 Animal Frolics MONKEY is my first qigong booklet. My aim is to create booklets of qigong forms in order to aid the practice and study of qigong for the serious practitioner. The booklet includes images and descriptions for the movement meditation called Monkey Animal Frolic, as well as the Seven Animals Invocation. This Invocation is a standing meditation set which calls in each of the animals with words and standing postures or mudras, beginning with Snake and moving through Tiger, Bear, Crane, Dragonfly, Monkey and Deer. I’m releasing the eBooklet free for newsletter subscribers—so spread the word! Qigong is a great practice for moving through stuck energy and for cultivating a life of vitality and creativity over the long haul. Great for all ages and all mobility levels. If you can move your mind, you can move your qi.

In the Studio this month

Qigong Studio is a free online qigong class meeting on Google Meet three times weekly. Here’s the schedule for October 2024:

Mondays 8:30am (October 7, 14, 21, 28 = 4 sessions)

Monkey Animal Frolic movement set. Get ready monkeys!

Tuesdays 5:30pm & Fridays 11am (October 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29 = 7 sessions)
Crane Animal Frolic and sitting & standing meditation. Soaring within.

The Google Meet link for classes is found on the Qigong Studio page of my website.

With energy,
Thomas Silvani

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